One of the awesome things about this day is that I didn't have to be anywhere until 2pm. So I caught up on some TV, and prayed the rain would go away. And it did!
Lauren and I started the day at Crowne Plaza where the gals were getting ready.

Lauren gets creative with the shoe photos... she says she wants to only be a shoe and jewelry photographer. But she does so well with everything else! I need her! See why??

And she is taller than me so she can reach the places I need her to hang dresses up.

But I think I might have her beat with my jewelry shots this time.

The bathroom counter on a wedding day is not complete without the normal hotel amenities, makeup, hair spray, curling irons and today... chik-fil-a nuggets and sauce. Mmmm.

This is the beautiful bride! Ain't she purrrrrrrrrrrrty!?

Once the girls were close to being ready we snuck over to the Embassy Suites to see what the fellas were up to. Much to my surprise, they had shoes I wanted to take photos of!

This guy made for a fun day. This is Nick, the best man. He was quite a character and had way to much energy. Not sure what else to say about him. I will leave it open to the comments section. But he was great to have around.

Especially for photos like this:

Or when I am trying to get a serious one of the groom really getting ready, I can't help but catch him in the mirror after he was talking about how the last time he wore suspenders he pulled them out and let them snap back so much his nipples were bruised. Ha.... Love it.

We got some cool shots of the guys before going over to Padonia Park Club for the rest of the day.

Emily got her dress on at Padonia. Which was nice because there was so much more room there.

The ceremony, performed by Reverend Bonnie aka Aunt Bonnie, whose credentials come from that of the Universal Life Church. Which I also love. It was a great short yet sweet ceremony.

We got some shots before the sun went down. The colors were gorgeous.

And when we were waking back up we spotted this gorgeous sky we had to get a photo with!

The reception was a blast. I mean how could it not be with Ben Nash rocking out to Miley and Don't Sop Believing? I think this looks exactly like the one I took at Rachel's wedding... hmmm...

And of course this guy...

I think they really love each other. :-)

This girl, Mandy, I owe a lot of free meals to. She is the reason I have taken a lot of photos on this website. She is great at PR for my company. And she knows it.

I loveeeeeeeed the cake topper. How cute??

Couldn't have done it without my Lauren!

Emily and Tim - I had so much fun! Thanks so much! Hope you enjoy the pics!...and that both of you are enjoying the new Backstreet Boys cd!
HUGE congrats Tim and Emily! We so wish we could have been there to share your special day! Beautiful shots, your love shines through:)
Danielle-AWESOME pictures!!!!! We can't wait to see the rest!!!!!
dani and lauren- thank you for putting up with me, you two were absolutely lovely.
I think the last minute sunset picture is by far my favorite. Absolutely gorgeous! I can't wait to see the rest either. Yay - Emily and Tim!! Great job Danielle and Lauren.
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