Everything took place at a hotel in Westminster. The flowers were one of the first things we stole to take photos of! I can't wait to see Lauren's. She found a gorgeous painted wood armoir. I found a stack of wood. :-)

Lauren claims she has seen this before, but I had never seen one and thought it was truly unique.

Jaime was an absolute doll. Her dress was gorgeous and she also picked the cutest bridesmaids dresses.

Andrew was pretty laid back and calm. And looking pretty sharp.

Here is my favorite moment - groom seeing his bride for the first time.

The cute couple.

Andrew is a goof.

So is his brother.

There were some cuties there! This is Andrew and Jaime's niece!

One of my favorite things about this wedding is that they did not use typical table numbers. Instead, they used memories the have together. I liked this one.

The reception was definitely fun when the DJ started picking up the pace of the music! The bridesmaids were out on the dance floor most of the night!

This lady was one of my favorites. Lauren and I decided we want to be just like her when we grow up.

Lauren and I would like to own this girl's dress.

Here is Jaime and her dad.

And this is Jaime and her guys.

Cutest grandma ever.

And oh my goodness I have been dying for this to happen. Thank you for doing it!

It was a pleasure, Andrew and Jaime! I love my mums that are adorning my front porch! Hope the honeymoon was spectacular!

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