I got a whole year older on February 4th, 2009. And yes, even though I am getting old..er, doesn't mean I can't have a birthday party. Because of the events of last years birthday bash, this was a girls only event and aside from the 3 pitchers of margaritas at Mi Casa, was also a sober event where no one almost got beat up.
We went to the Pottery Stop in Ellicott City to paint pottery! Tomorrow is the day I get to pick up the pieces that we painted and I will be delivering them to everyone...ha, but what they don't know is that I plan to take photos of them so I can post them on my website and make fun of the disastrous painting jobs. Especially Krissy's really ugly Christmas tree ornament that is just big and yellow and says DANI's --! Insert age in the dashes yourself!
Today, I thought I would just share the fun and nice photos from the day. :)

Kari wins the prize for funniest facial expressions for the day.

Childish...but I made everyone LOOT BAGS!!! Remember when you were a kid and got bags o'loot for going to a birthday party?
This is Lauren up to no good.

Look who came! My mommy and Melanie! PS...those are the glasses that we both have!

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