I got a sad email from my mom yesterday. This cute little pup ate a washcloth. A whole washcloth (which is far from abnormal because he sometimes poops out whole socks). But this time is a lot more serious. Rudy underwent surgery yesterday where over 3 feet of his small intestine had to be removed because threads from the washrag destroyed it. The vet was able to stitch his small intestine back to his stomach but there is so little of it left that he is not so optimistic about this pup's future. He stated that Rudy will not be able to digest the nutrients he needs and therefore will be severely underweight and shorten his life expectancy a lot.
The good news is that, according to my mom, he made it through the night and was walking a bit this morning. So, please, say a little prayer for this cute little pup!

Thank you, Dan. I know he's just a dog, but he's a real special little creature and I'm devastated at what has happened to him.
Rudy is a special dog, probably the first dog I fell in love with. I hope he pulls through.
I hope Rudy pulls through as well. Me and Jenn will be thinking about him.
AWWWWWW I love Rudy :(. I'm thinking about him!
Oh no Dani! That's horrible. Let's hope he's a real fighter and can pull through this. History has shown that Rudys don't give up...you know...the movie....Rudy, Rudy, Rudy. Anyway, I'm thinking about the little guy and your mom and family, too.
Lauren, you guessed right, our little Rudy was named for the movie and he's proving to be a fighter too. So far, he's done nothing but improve. We're hoping for the best. Thanks for your kind thoughts and wishes (and everyone else's too!)
By the way, his website is www.rudythepuppy.weebly.com
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